|NOTE: I assume that, if youre trying this, youre towards the end |
|of the game, or have beaten it; have started the Phon Coast Hunter's |
|Club and have killed little or no rare game; have successed in |
|Montblanc's Clan past Paragon of Justice; have the Canopic Jar |
|and Hunter's Monograph Grimoires |
demons. The most powerful weapon in the game (next to the likely-missed Zodiac
Spear and the harder-to-get Wyrmhero Blade). Anyway, it is:
Sword (2H) Element: none
Attack power: 140
Evasion: 25
LP: 225
Of course, getting it is quite the task. You'll traverse the world in search of
many pointless and annoying monsters and stealing their loot, just to sell it and
buy other pointless things, to sell them and finally get the Tournesol. Anyway.
This sword is unlocked only in the Bazaar, meaning you have to sell certain things
to unlock it, then buy it itself. You must sell:
- 3 Gemsteel - 3 Empyreal Souls - 3 Serpentarius -
Then you sell those and buy the Tournesol for 600,000 Gil. However, these 3 are
made up of different loots themselves that you must sell. It goes:
1 Gemsteel = 2 Damascus Steel + 2 Hell-Gate's Flame + 1 Scarletite
1 Empyreal Soul = 2 Wargod's Bands + 1 Soul Powder + 1 High Arcana
1 Serpentarius = 2 Serpent Eyes + 4 Snake Skins + 1 High Arcana
So find the ingredients on the right, sell them in those quantities, buy the things
on the left, sell those in 3's, and get the sword. Theres a trick to selling that
you only need to use 1 High Arcana to create a Empyreal Soul AND a Serpentarius rather
than using 2 High Arcana (of course you need all the other ingredients as well).
>Va: High Arcana<
OK, you should actually have the 3 required High Arcana for the Tournesol. I did.
However, if you don't, heres how to get them:
- Unlock in Bazaar Goods (Sell 10 Arcana, 1 Feystone, and 1 Soul of Thamasa)
- Steal from any Esper
- Get 4 Espers and talk to Montblanc
- Reach 'Paragon of Justice' Clan Centurio rank and talk to Montblanc
You should have the last 2 if youre trying this, and if youre not dumb, you
should have 1 or more from stealing from Espers. If you dont, though, go
find an Esper and steal from it! Or just unlock a High Arcana in the bazaar.
Get the Arcana by buying the Canopic Jar Bazaar good. Once you have that, all
enemies will drop Arcana at some point.
For the Feystones, steal from any Entite (those electrical ball things you see
in most areas that are uber powerful), or steal from Crystalbugs.
For the Soul of Thamasa, you should have 1 as a reward from the Dead City
Watch hunt. Get more as drops from Oversouls in the Necrohol of Nabudis (you
might need the proper grimoire). OR, steal from the rare Ishteen located in
Barheim Passage - East-West Bypass/Zeviah span.
Hopefully you guys can manage that on your own. I suggest staying away from
making it in the Bazaar, thatll just take too long. Get the reward ones.
>Vb: Gemsteel<
Of course, the Gemsteel requires 2 Damascus Steel, 2 Hell-Gate's Flames, and
1 Scarletite. However, you should have 1 already as a reward from:
- Montblanc, for commanding 8 Espers
So go run off and do that if you havent already. Now you can go hunting for loot!
Prepare for frustration. Lots of it.
- We're gunna get us some Damascus Steel. You need 2 per Gemsteel, so likely
you'll need 4. Go to Cerobi Steppe/Crossfield. THis is getting stolen from the
rare Bluesang, who will be
between the 2 windmills on the West side. Go look for him, If he isnt there,
go one map away (preferably directly West) and check again. Then Steal till
you get this item. Now run South
to the Save Crystal area (thats 1 map) then South again (that's 2) and head
back to Bluesang to steal again.
- Now for the Hell-Gate Flame. Make sure you have the Hunter's Monograph!
Teleport to Mt Bur Omisace and grab a chocobo. Now run all the way to
the Feywood, and dismount. Go South to the Walk of Stolen Truths. This is
where we're going to chain Cerberus and only Cerberus until we get some
HGFs (HellGate Flames). Set a gambit for Foe: water-weak....Attack. This will
target only the Cerberus as you run around, so no other enemies are killed.
Chain Cerberus till you hit 25, and you should have at least 1 HGF. Zone out
2 screens to reset the monsters (go South to the Save Crystal area - 1 map -
and South again - 2 maps - then back to the Cerberus area). Now, BREAK
THE CHAIN AT 25! Or a little bit more, if you want. But the key is to have
LOW chains of ONLY Cerberus. This could take a while. You'll need 4 HGFs.
- Lastly, the Scarletites. Remember how we did Bluesang? Aspidochelon is another
rare game which you hopefully didnt kill (it's a turtle). Go to
Cerobi Steppe/Feddik River. Near the 2 bridges he might spawn. If he's not
there, go 1 map away and return. After youve stolen from him, go 2 maps away,
and return to reset his items. You need 2 of these if you already have 1 Gemsteel.
WAIT! Did you kill the Aspidochelon? Well then youre going fishing! Anyway,
go kill Gilgamesh (its a rank VI Hunt) and then talk to Ruksel in
Dalmasca Estersand/South Bank Village. Now that you did that, refer to this
Or Google FFXII Fishing. Follow that guide all the way, past where you get
the Matamune, and continue on until you unlock the Den of the River Lord
area. Now catch the King of Nebra. Good. Now whenever you return here, catch
all the fish perfectly. At the end, where you get to put in the combos and
nothings moving (the prize stage), theres a very good chance youll get a
Scarletite. The key here is to memorize the LAST 3 keys. There are only,
I dont know, six fish total for this stage. Youll get to know the last 3
keys, so by the time you pour over the first 3, you can push out the last
in a second and save yourself. For example, one is L1 X R1. Thats simple enough,
being one sweeping motion from left to right. Remember the combos like that
and youre good to go.
>Vc: Empyreal Soul<
This is an item and yes. Ok first things first, you can get a free one
from the Clan again (dont you just love the clan by now? I did.) This is how:
- Complete 28 Hunts and get 300,000 Clan Points, and talk to Montblanc
Go do that and youve got 1. Now we need to get some more! First thigns first
are the Wargod's Bands.
- Wargod's Bands are received from Victanir, a rare monster in the Nam-Yensa
Sandsea/Yellow Sands. Steal them from him. This is done in the same way that
we did Bluesang and (maybe) Aspidochelon. In other words, if Victanir isnt
there, go a screen away and return - after you steal from him, go 2 screens
away (just go South 2 screens through Zertinan Caverns, its easier) and return.
Victanir is a horse monster, and he'll be somewhat invisible as you approach
him, so he wont be on the minimap. Hes not too hard to see, though. Steal
at least 4 of these, 2 per Soul needed.
- Now for the Soul Powders. Alot of people have trouble with this. Steal these
from the Vorres rare monster in the Necrohol of Nabudis. Teleport to the
Nabreus Deadlands and go to the Necrohol. Run all the way through to Hall
of Ivory Covenant and look for a Dark Elemental near that door where Fury is,
or towards the middle of the area. Sometimes it helps spawn these if you kill
everything from when you enter the Ivory Covenant till you see it. THen, attack
it once, and lead the Elemental North or South. Keep dragging it in one direction,
through as many rooms as possible, until Vorres teleports in. If Vorres isnt
coming, try leading the Elemental int he opposite direction, through the rooms
on the other side. Steal a Soul Powder from Vorres, then run back to the Nabreus
Deadlands (thatll be 2 areas). Return and to this entire thing again. Youll
need 2 Soul Powders if youve got that Empyreal Soul.
- Now you just need a High Arcana. See section Va for that. And um... yup.
1 High Arcana per Empyreal Soul recipe - we only need 3.
>Vd: Serpentarius<
Ok, the last item needed. But lots more frustration. You have to get all
3 of these - there are none up for rewards. So you need 4 Snake Skin, 2
Serpent Eyes, and 1 High Arcana per Serpentarius.
- For the Snake Skins, go to Giza Plains during The Dry. If its the Rains,
you have to wait at most an hour (game time) for it to change. If you have
to wait, skip down and find some other loot. If its the Dry, run down to
Toam Hills. Near the Southern exit, in the grass, a Wildsnake will pop out.
Steal from him with Thiefs Cuffs on (not really a necessity, but....) and
youll get a Snake Skin. Kill it to try to get another. Now you need to run
2 areas away, so go through the Nomad Village, and East one screen - thats 2.
Return, Steal, kill, zone, etc. You need 12 of these things. You might already
have some from your earlier trips through the game.
- Now for Serpent Eyes. I assume you have the Hunter's Grimoire by now. You need
it. Teleport to Giruvegan and go to the Feywood/The Edge of Reason. Kill every
Basilisk in sight, chaining them (remember the Cerberus!). Then, move North a screen,
to Feywood/Ice Field of Clearsight and chain more. North one more screen
to Feyood/White Magick's Embrace will make 2 areas, so now the ones in the first area
are respawned. Go back there and chain more. However, DONT CHAIN PAST 25!
This should ring some bells. Break the chain after 25 on a Mantis or something.
Then chain more. You should get 1 or 2 of these during each chain segment.
Have fun.
- Lastly, we need High Arcana, which of course you should have already. See
Section Va.
>Ve: Selling!<
Ah, so youve collected everything, youve cursed at your PS2 many'a time and
broken many'a controller, now its time to collect! Well to collect we must
first sell. Pay attention, cuz this is where the High Arcana trick comes in.
I'll do this in steps so its nice and easy. Oh yeah, this is gunna cost a
buttload of gil, so um... sell all extra weapons, armor, and loot. Also,
remember to sell things seperately. Like, don't sell all 12 Snake Skins
at once. Sell 4, buy the Serpentarius, then sell another 4, etc. If you
sell all 12 at once, the excess 8 are lost. Step 1:
2) Sell these all at once:
- 2 Serpent Eye
- 4 Snake Skin
- 1 Soul Powder
- 2 Wargod's Band
- 1 High Arcana
3) Go to the Bazaar and buy Jewel of Creation and Jewel of the Serpent.
Notice how we only sold 1 High Arcana to get 2 needed items.
4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 once more. You'll have 1 High Arcana left.
5) Sell your last 2 Serpent Eyes, 4 Snake Skins, and last High Arcana. Buy
Jewel of the Serpent. You now have 3 Empyreal Soul and 3 Serpentarius.
6) Sell these at once:
- 2 Damascus Steel
- 2 Hell-Gate's Flame
- 1 Scarletite
7) Buy the Matchless Metal Bazaar good. Theres one Gemsteel.
8) Repeat steps 6 and 7 two more times. You'll have 3 Gemsteels.
9) Find 600,000 Gil.
10) Buy The Sunflower Bazaar good. There's your Tournesol!
If you did anything wrong, good thing you saved! Restart and try again. Now,
lets address...
Need more gil? Its pretty easy. Firstly, you should haev an excess of
Francisca Axes from chaining those Cerberus. I had 9, and sold them for
a ton of gil. Sell those. Then, sell all armor and weapons you dont want.
Then, sell all loot you dont want. Sell all Gems and anything else you
have more than, say, 3 of. Some of the Fleshes and Pelts will rake in the
big bucks, and you should have plenty of cash in no time. Personally, I
bought all Tournesol components and the thing itself with loot. However, if
still you need more, take on the Rank VII Behemoth King hunt. Kill him.
Then, go to Mt Bur Omisace, and keep going North till a tent pops up. Unequip
Vaan's weapon and touch it for 500,000 Gil. That should help.
Well, you got the Tournesol (hopefully). Yay. Give it to a guy with super
high Strength - Basch or Vaan usually. 2H Sword damage is calculated by
a factor solely of the character's Strength. So um.. yay again.
>Ve: Tournesol Pictures!<
Too lazy to get the Tournesol but really wanna see it? Well I took some
pictures of mine so you could relish in its glory. And here they are:
Yay Tournesol!
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